Altar Guild
A group of men and women who prepare the sanctuary and sacristy for Mass each week, preparing the sacred linens, changing candles, and taking care of cleaning the altar and church.
Contact: Jim Hubbard 203-735-1594
Altar Servers
Boys and girls, grades three through high school, have the opportunity to assist at Masses by serving at the altar.
Contact: Torin Bourke 203-735-7857 x32
Campus Set-up & Clean-up
Handy men and women who help set-up and clean-up for activities and events in the church, hall, gym or rectory.
Contact: Pauline Totaro 203-401-9502
Church Art and Environment Committee
A group of people who decorate the church for weekly liturgies as well as special holy days.
Contact: Kim Ferencz 203-393-3952
Knights of Columbus Council #23
The pre-eminent Catholic laymen’s organization which supports the work of the church and the local parish. Meeting is every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Rectory.
Contact: Carl Stevens 203-881-5585
Master’s Table Community Meals
This committee prepares and serves free meals for the community-at-large.
Contact: Jim Fedak 203-732-7792
Ministers of Holy Communion
Men and women who assist the priest in distributing Communion at Mass and bring Communion to the sick.
Contact: Deacon Larry 203-735-7857
Homeless Shelter Meals
A group of people, working in teams, who plan, prepare, and serve monthly meals for residents of Spooner House.
Contact: Rich Zdrowski 203-734-7915
Knights of Columbus Council #23
The pre-eminent Catholic laymen’s organization which supports the work of the church and the local parish. Meeting is every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm in the Rectory.
Contact: Carl Stevens 203-881-5585
Men, women, and teens of the parish who proclaim the Scriptures at Mass. Training required.
Contact: Jessica Pinto 203-732-2512
Maintenance & Safety Committee
A group of people who assist with various maintenance projects throughout the parish and address safety concerns according to best practices and insurance guidelines. Duties include quarterly meetings, safety inspections and safety communications.
Contact: Rich Zdrowski 203-734-7915
Music Ministry
A diverse group of women and men who enhance the spiritual life of the parish through music, either as a cantor, choir member, or both. A combination of traditional and contemporary music is offered.
Contact: Anthony J. Burke, M.M.
Music Director/Organist
RCIA Ministry
Dedicated to executing the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) program for our parish family – helping those who desire to become Catholic. It includes people who wish to become sponsors or to be confirmed.
Contact: Maureen Lowman 203-734-1092
Religious Education Grades 1-6
Volunteers are welcomed to be a teacher or classroom aid in our Sunday morning elementary education program.
Contact: Anne Lynch 203-736-2663
Religious Education Grades 7-10
Volunteers are welcomed to be a teacher in our Monday evening middle school education program.
Contact: Torin Bourke 203-735-7857 x32
St. Francis Food Pantry
A service of the Social Justice Committee, this ministry provides non-perishable food items to those in need within our community and beyond. Open: Tue & Thu from 10am-11:30am and Sat from 12-1:30pm.
Contact: Deacon Larry or Anthony J. Burke
Social Justice Committee
A committee with responsibility to give leadership in the social concerns of parish family life, always considering the Church’s option for the poor. Activities involve organizing the Dorothy Day Linen Drive, The Giving Tree at Christmas, ongoing support to the Brian O’Connell Homeless Project and Brian Bags. We also hold a once a month free breakfast program for the community at large. We also collaborate with Catholic Relief Services for the Rice Bowl program during Lent and the Gift of Hope/Giving Tree donations.
Contact: Susan Olmsted 203-231-5208
Ushers and Greeters Committee
A group of men and women who greet parishioners and visitors at each Mass, take the collection, distribute bulletins and make sure that the church is prepared for the following Mass.
Contact: Tom Bennett 203-735-1578
Vocation Ministry
This ministry coordinates the Traveling Chalice (Prayers for Vocation) program, a week-long opportunity to pray for vocations by parishioners and their families at home during Advent and Lent.
Contact: Victoria and Don Gaughan 203-804-8243
Youth & Young Adult
Adults who would like to support the youth ministry in its mission.
Contact: Torin Bourke 203-735-7857×32
Church Art and Environment Committee
A group of people who decorate the church for weekly liturgies as well as special holy days.
Contact: Kim Ferencz 203-393-3952
Maintenance & Safety Committee
A group of people who assist with various maintenance projects throughout the parish and address safety concerns according to best practices and insurance guidelines. Duties include quarterly meetings, safety inspections and safety communications.
Contact: Rich Zdrowski 203-734-7915
Administration Committee
This group supports the parish administrative needs. Tasks include computer work, web and social media maintenance. Participating on the Parish Safety Committee or providing expertise in a variety of other areas.
Contact: Rich Zdrowski 203-734-7915
Grief support group that runs for 9 weeks on Monday evenings in the rectory.
Contact: Mary Tokarz, Barbara O’Grodnick, and Marcia Burkitt 203-231-0460
Bereavement Quilts
Quilts are made and provided to children, ages 5-15, at Camp Erin Bereavement Camp, who have lost a parent or a sibling.
Contact: Judy Simpson 203-888-3629
Friends of Bereavement
A group of volunteer parishioners who provide assistance to families who need to plan services for the loss of a loved one.
Contact: Judy Simpson 203-888-3629
Assistance for anyone seeking to apply for a marriage annulment and provide support and counseling during the entire application process.
Contact: Jim Tottenham 203-735-7857
Brian O’Connell Homeless Project/Brian Bags
Our goals are to continue to supply those in need around us with some basic necessities in the form of our Brian Bags. The second goal is to raise money for a mobile shower to help improve hygiene and conditions for those facing troubled times.
Contact: Donna Finneran 203-819-4461
Spooner House Homeless Shelter Meals
A group of people, working in teams, who plan, prepare, and serve monthly meals for residents of Spooner House.
Contact: Rich Zdrowski 203-734-7915
Assumption Parish Swaddling Blankets Ministry
To provide infants in need with blankets to feel the warmth and comfort of His love. Blankets are donated to Carolyn’s Place Pregnancy Care Centre in Waterbury and the Childbirth Center at Griffin Hospital.
Contact: Carrie Stephen 203-804-7743
Knit Wits Prayer Shawl Ministry
A group of volunteers who meet one day a week to crochet prayer shawls for those facing medical challenges. Hats and scarves are also created for Brian Bags. No experience needed.
Contact: Margaret Casey 203-736-9346
Margherita del Castello Prayer Society
Contact: Armida Oradei
Silvana Monaco 203-734-5236
Eucharistic Adoration
Contact: Bridget and Gabe Sielicki
Parish Grounds/Garden Ministry
Contact: Mike Petrillo
Parish Nurses
Contact: Mary Tokarz and Marcia Burkitt 203-231-0460
Pro-Life Ministry
Contact: Lorraine Greski 203-736-9606
Welcoming/Hospitality Committee